52词语>英语词典>bolt out翻译和用法

bolt out

英 [bəʊlt aʊt]

美 [boʊlt aʊt]

把…关在外面; 急逃



  • leave suddenly and as if in a hurry
    1. The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas
    2. When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out
    Synonym:run offrun outboltbeetle off


  • Usain Bolt roared out of the blocks, accelerating like a thoroughbred.
  • A sudden bolt of lightning can wipe it all out.
  • The cat will probably bolt immediately out of the trap.
  • He sometimes felt as if the family's bolt was shot, their possessive instinct dying out.
  • The announcement that the president of our university was quitting to go to another school hit us like a bolt out of the blue. He's always said he liked it here so much he would stay until he retired.
  • Based upon ANSYS and analysis of the mechanics of contact friction the application of contact friction in bolt connection is studied. Author points out that finite-element method is one effective method to resolve contact friction problem.
  • Among a great deal of indexes in prescription bolting and optimization, release rate is chosen as the subject index. Main factors which impact release rate of tablet will be tried randomly to bolt and pick out a prescription.
  • And for their worse surroundings and sanitation conditions, rest hotels bolt a lot of guests out.
  • Through the failure analysis of connecting bolt of down rod, it points out that it is not correct to put the thinner nut outer side if the double nut anti-loose method is adopted.
  • According to the analysis on the stress status of bolt during pull-out test accompanied with the field measured curves of stress distribution of the bolt, the calculation method of anchoring strength of bolting is given based on rock properties and anchoring style.